There are numerous issues in case of Military. Eminent personalties have expressed their anguish. Senior officers have rightly explained many anomalies. It is ironic that none of these leaders have thought it fit to voice their concern about the SOLDIER'S pay packet. In fact they have been responsible for creating a disparity in the Military Service Pay recommended for the first time. An officer is slated to get Rs 6000/- as against a mere 1000/- for a soldier.
MSP is earned by an individual because he/she serves the Indian Military. Why then our Service Chiefs recommend that MSP for soldiers and officers should be different. In case this is the brainwave of the VIth CPC, why no comments have been made by the Chiefs?
Differential rate of MSP is a gross misjudgement on part of decision makers. Our soldiers deserve a better deal. Let us assume, for a moment, that soldiers too shall get MSP of Rs 6000/-i.e. an increase of Rs 5000/- per soldier or same as officers. For 1.3 million soldiers an additional expenditure of Rs 650 crore per month or 7,800 crore per year. This additional expenditure is peanuts, when viewed in the light that in the current budget over 65000 crore has been written off as bad loan to farmers. Surely our country can spend 11% of this amount to pay to our soldiers, who guard our country.
I have a entirely different view on implementation of MSP proposal. MSP should be seen as an incentive to service personnel. For the first ten years of service a military personnel, officer or men, should not be entitled to any MSP. From 11th year to 20th year everyone should be paid Rs 10,000/-as MSP. MSP should increase to 15,000/- from 21st year till 30th year. Beyond 30 years the MSP should be Rs 20,000/-. Additionally, MSP should be tax free.
This would be more beneficial to state as well as the individual. But to begin with can the military leadership move away from the beaten track while considering allowances for service personnel and keep the interests of the soldiers in mind?